College Board of Directors

The Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, sets out the:

  • Objectives of the College.

The Opticianry Act, 1991, sets out the:

  • Scope of practice of the profession
  • Authorized acts opticians may perform
  • The composition of the College Board of Directors

The Board of the College of Opticians of Ontario is currently composed of:

Eight Elected Members
Elected members of the Board are Registrants of the College of Opticians of Ontario; elected by their peers to positions on the Board in accordance with the by-laws.

Six Public Members
Public members of the Board are appointed by the Government of Ontario.

Opticians in Ontario support self-regulation by:

  • Adhering to the Standards of Practice
  • Meeting the requirements of the Quality Assurance Program
  • Participating in the election of Board members

Members of the Board make decisions that further the College’s mandate to regulate and improve the practice of Opticianry in the public interest.  The professional members of the Board bring expertise about the practice of Opticianry and an understanding of today’s realities to their decision-making.  They reflect each optician’s commitment to the public’s right to safe, ethical, and competent care.

The College Board:

  • Approves all changes to entry to practice competencies and requirements
  • Sets the Standards of Practice for the profession
  • Enacts By-laws and Policies for the College

Meetings of the College Board are open to the public and provide a forum for discussion of a wide range of issues affecting the governing of the profession.

Upcoming Board Meetings

To view the upcoming meetings, click here.

Past Board Meetings

To view the past meetings, click here.

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90 Adelaide Street W., Suite 300, Toronto, ON M5H 3V9

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