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October 19, 2020

News From The College: October 16, 2020



Share your Thoughts on the Draft Delegation Standard of Practice and Practice Guideline


We want to hear from you! The College has developed a new draft Standard of Practice and Practice Guidelines: Standard 10: Delegation. Reading the document and completing the survey can be counted towards your self-directed CE for the year. We value your feedback, and it will be carefully considered by the Clinical Practice Committee and the Board of Directors. For more information click here.


Get Involved as an Appointed Member on COO Committees


If you are a Registered Optician interested in contributing to public protection, consider applying to become an appointed member. Appointments are for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2021, ending December 31, 2023. The deadline for applications is October 30, 2020. For more information visit our website.


Amendments to the Contact Lens Fitting Policy and the Contact Lens Mentor Policy


The Board approved a temporary addendum to the Contact Lens Fitting Policy until December 31, 2021, to assist students struggling to complete the required eyeglass fits in order to meet entry to practice requirements in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The addendum will allow students to complete up to 25% of eyeglass fits on a peer-to-peer or standardized patient basis. Students must complete the balance of the fits on a retail patient in a dispensary setting. In addition, the addendum to the Contact Lens Mentor Policy that extends eligibility for contact lens mentor status to individuals holding academic positions was amended to remain in effect until December 31, 2021.


Discipline Decisions


A panel of the Discipline Committee rendered a decision in the following case:


·       Steve Rodney Sanger


Vote in District 5 Board Elections before November 9, 2020


If you reside in District 5 and are eligible to vote, log in to the Registrant portal and cast your vote in the Board of Director elections before November 9, 2020 at noon.


Sexual Harassment Prevention Guidelines


The Board approved guidelines aimed at preventing sexual harassment by opticians towards colleagues, employees, students, interns, or other members of the public. To review the guidelines click here.


Board of Directors Meeting Highlights


The Board of Directors met on October 5 and 6, 2020. To review the meeting highlights please visit our website.


Was this news update informative? Please let us know!


If you have a moment, please share your feedback on this news update by taking a short survey.



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