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August 20, 2020 - Registrants Blog

Professional Judgement in the COVID World

Some of you have continued to practice in some form since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic.Many of you are just now returning to practice. Certainly, as the province of Ontario begins loosening restrictions on businesses, opticians are dealing with the ever-changing requirements of practising safely and responsibly.

June 26, 2020 - Public Blog

The Citizen Advisory Group (CAG)

Do You Want to Impact Health Care in Ontario? Why Not Join the Citizen Advisory Group!

December 18, 2019 - Public Blog

Patient Bill of Rights 

The College has created a Patient Bill of Rights that explains what opticianry patients can expect when it comes to receiving vision care services from an optician.

October 30, 2019 - Public Blog

No costume is worth the risk! Ensure you are protecting your eyes

Halloween is upon us, and children and adults alike are planning their costumes, which often include decorative or cosmetic contact lenses in various colours or special effects such as cat eyes, swirls or other designs. While decorative contact lenses can be purchased at any novelty store, they can pose significant

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90 Adelaide Street W., Suite 300, Toronto, ON M5H 3V9

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