Examination Overview

The entry-to-practice examinations are administered by the National Alliance of Canadian Optician Regulators (NACOR)  on behalf of the provincial regulatory offices.  Successful completion of the national examinations is the final step to becoming an optician. 

The College of Opticians of Ontario (COO) recognizes the following examinations:

  1. Optical Sciences 1 - Eyeglass Examination
  2. Optical Sciences 2 - Advanced Practice Contact Lens Examinations

To qualify for registration as an optician in Ontario, individuals must successfully complete both examinations.

Examination Eligibility

Applicants in Ontario are deemed eligible to write the national examinations in the following circumstances:

Accredited Education Candidates

Unaccredited Education Candidates

Candidates Seeking Registration in Another Province

Upon successful completion and graduation from an accredited Canadian opticianry program and successful completion of practicum or practical training.

These candidates must also hold an active certificate of registration as an Intern Optician with the College.

Upon confirmation of eligibility by the Registration Committee, following successful completion of a competency assessment and/or specified bridging program.

These candidates must register as an Intern Optician with the College prior to attempting the exam. 

Upon confirmation of eligibility by the candidate’s home province.

Candidates are allowed a maximum of three attempts at each section of the national licensing examinations within three years from the time they first gained eligibility. After three years or three unsuccessful attempts, whichever comes first, you must complete upgrading measures before re-attempting the examination(s).  To be granted an additional attempt at the examination(s), candidates must submit a request and upgrading proposal to the Registration Committee.

IMPORTANT: Intern Opticians who fail the examinations a fourth time will be required to complete a fresh accredited opticianry program before attempting the examinations again.

For more information on examination eligibility and upgrading proposal guidelines, please refer to the Examinations and Upgrading Policy. 

Examination Schedule

Spring Exam Session: May 2-4, 2025

If you are planning to sit the national examinations in the fall, please submit your application to NACOR before the March 21st deadline. You do not have to wait until you complete your program to submit your application to NACOR, applications can be submitted in the final stages of your program.  

For questions regarding the national examinations, including examination results, please contact NACOR directly at 1-866-949-1950 or visit the NACOR website at www.nacor.ca .

Examinations: Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much does it cost to write the National Examinations?

The College of Opticians does not collect fees for the exams; all payments should be made directly to NACOR.  Information about national examination content, process, deadlines, and fees can be obtained by calling the NACOR office at 1-866-949-1950 or by visiting the NACOR website

2. How many times can I retake the Examinations?

Candidates are entitled to attempt the national examinations a maximum of three times within the three-year period from the time they gain eligibility. After three years or three unsuccessful attempts, whichever comes first, a candidate must submit a request to the Registration Committee for one additional attempt at the examination. The Registration Committee will determine any upgrading requirements a candidate must complete to become eligible for another attempt at the exam. Candidates who fail the examination(s) a fourth time will be required to complete a fresh accredited opticianry program before attempting the examinations again.

3. When will I get my Examination results?

Within eight weeks of the examination, NACOR will send examination results directly to candidates. Results will not be provided by telephone.  Please do not contact the College of Opticians for your results; the College does not grade examinations or mail out the results.

4. I have passed my exam, how do I register as a Registered Optician in Ontario?

Congratulations on successfully passing the National Contact Lens and Eyeglass Examinations. Please visit our website for detailed information on how to apply. Interns who successfuly completed the national examination are no longer eligible to hold a certificate of registration as an Intern Optician. To ensure a smooth transition from an intern to a Registered Optician, we encourage you to submit your application within 60 days of receiving your examination results.

5. How long does it take to process my application to become a Registered Optician?

Application processing times are approximately 4-6 weeks.  Inquiries regarding registration with the College should be directed to registration@collegeofopticians.ca.  The College is committed to ensuring that all applications are processed in a timely fashion. For more information, please refer to the Registration Timelines Policy.

6. When can I begin practicing as an optician? 

You may begin to practice as an optician or use the title Registered Optician once you receive a confirmation from the College that your application for a certificate of registration as a Registered Optician has been approved. You can begin practicing as an optician upon receipt of this email.  Please ensure that your email address on file with the College is current.

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90 Adelaide Street W., Suite 300, Toronto, ON M5H 3V9

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