Registrants Section

NACOR Examiners 

Considering giving back to your profession?  Becoming an Examiner is a great way to get involved.

The entry to practice examinations are offered by the National Alliance of Canadian Optician Regulators (NACOR).  The COO recognizes the following examinations:

1.    Optical Sciences 1 – Eyeglass Examination
2.    Optical Sciences 2 – Advanced Practice Contact Lens Examinations

The National Exams are held several times a year at various locations throughout Ontario.  

Role of the Examiner

An Examiner observes the performance of exam candidates in a practical station and records their observations on standardized test sheets.  Examiners do not determine whether a candidate passes/fails a section or the examinations, NACOR makes the pass/fail decision. 

Examiner Qualifications and Skills

 Examiners  must:
  • Hold a current certificate of registration as an RO with the College of Opticians in good standing, which includes active engagement in the annual quality assurance requirements.
  • Have practiced in the profession for at least 3 years.
  • Be current and fluent in the subject they are examining
  • Demonstrate proficient communication skills. Bilingualism is considered an asset.
  • Must not have been teaching full or part-time in an opticianry program within one year preceding the date of the examination.  This does not include acting as a practicum or co-op supervisor.
  • Must not have been found to have committed an act of professional misconduct
  • Must not have had their certificate of registration revoked preceding the exam date
  • Must not be subject to term, condition, or limitation other than one prescribed by legislation
  • Must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Fully vaccinated s defined as 14 days after their second vaccination. 
  • Demonstrate diversity, equity and inclusion awareness.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the principles of fairness, impartiality, objectivity, and transparency.
  • Demonstrate critical thinking skills and attention to detail.

If you have any questions or wish to become involved, please contact Peggy Dreyer, Director, Professional Practice and Quality Assurance at


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