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June 26, 2020 - Public Blog

The Citizen Advisory Group (CAG)

Do You Want to Impact Health Care in Ontario? Why Not Join the Citizen Advisory Group!

There are 26 Health Regulatory Colleges in Ontario and they exist to ensure health professionals are providing safe, ethical, quality care to the public. In addition, the Colleges make decisions about licensing and registration and investigate complaints about health care providers. 

CAG provides Valuable Feedback to Ontario Health Regulatory Colleges

The Citizen Advisory Group (CAG) was formed to provide a forum for Colleges to obtain crucial feedback from the public when changes to health care regulation or policy are being considered. The College of Opticians, along with 17 other regulatory colleges, currently supports the work of the CAG.   

The CAG Impacts Patient Care
Healthcare is about patients and their families. Engaging the patient voice through the CAG influences the decisions made by the Health Regulatory Colleges and impacts patient care. The CAG aims to recruit members from diverse backgrounds, from across the province, who can bring their experience and perspective to the table to shape healthcare in Ontario.

Get Involved

Do you want to influence healthcare regulation in Ontario? Do you have experience with any of the Health Professionals listed here and the desire to make a difference? Getting involved with the CAG is a great way to have your voice heard, especially if you, your child, or a family member has recent experience as a patient.

As a member of the CAG, you would attend in person, facilitated discussion groups. You may also be asked to participate by phone or to complete online surveys, and would regularly receive the CAG’s newsletter. You would be compensated for your time and reasonable expenses. 

To find out more about The CAG, read their reports, or to become a member, visit

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