Diversity Equity and Inclusion 

In 2021 and 2022, the COO Board and staff built on the extensive work and training completed in 2020 around diversity, equity and inclusion by formalizing its diversity, equity and inclusion goals within its existing strategic plan, and continuing to collaborate with system partners to build a more equitable organization and healthcare system.   As an organization, the College has explored ways to encourage diversity and remove barriers to participation. 

Throughout the year, the college focused on Cultural Safety and Humility, adding land acknowledgements to each meeting and incorporating an extensive Cultural Safety and Humility Training program to our board training for the year. 

As a regulator, the College has committed to examining its processes and policies to make sure that an equitable lens is applied. The College has developed materials and resources for registrants that will support them in their practice and build their knowledge in order to deliver opticianry care in a way that demonstrates respect, cultural competence, and empathy.  A key piece of this was the development of a Jurisprudence module focused on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.  Registrants can complete the DEI Module once every 3 years as a Professional Growth activity.

For more information about the College’s commitment to DEI, click here to see the COO's statement regarding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. 

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