College Performance Measurement Framework

How well are Ontario’s regulatory health colleges protecting the public interest?” This is the question the Ontario Ministry of Health asked health profession regulators to answer when it developed the College Performance Measurement Framework (CPMF).

College of Opticians of Ontario CPMF Reports  

View the 2023 CPMF Report Here:

2023 CPMF Report


Highlights from the 2023 CPMF Report 

Throughout 2023, the COO continued to demonstrate its commitment to public protection, transparency, and strong governance. 

In 2023, the COO reported that it met, or partially met, all 50 measures identified by the Ministry of Health. Of these measures, 96% were fully met, and 4% were partially met. This represents an overall improvement over the 2022 report, where 94% of the measures were fully met, and 6% were partially met:









Key achievements in 2023 included:

  • The launch of a Pre-Arrival Readiness Tool for internationally educated/trained applicants. This tool was developed in collaboration with the National Alliance of Canadian Opticianry Regulators and is designed to assist potential applicants to identify the best pathway to opticianry licensure based on their knowledge and experience.
  • To better understand the vision care experience of Indigenous patients in Ontario, the College of Opticians, in collaboration with the College of Optometrists has set out to engage with the members of the Indigenous community. The work will continue into 2024 with a goal of working toward developing a standard of practice on cultural safety and humility to guide members of our respective organizations in providing equitable and accessible eye health care.
  • A second Professional Roundtable event that brought together over 80 representatives from different areas of the opticianry profession and industry. The event was held in Montreal in April 2023 and included discussions on mutual challenges and opportunities. 


Health Regulatory Colleges Exist to Protect the Public Interest 

To help the public understand how well colleges are doing their job and to help continually improve accountability, transparency and oversight, all colleges are reporting on their work in the CPMF Reporting Tool. The new tool was developed by the Ministry, together with Ontario’s health regulatory colleges, subject matter experts and the public. 

The CPMF covers a wide variety of topics, including how colleges:

  • perform as an organization
  • register applicants
  • measure practice improvement of regulated health professionals 
  • process complaints about their registrants

This CPMF provides information on how colleges work with external partners, such as other regulatory colleges, educational programs and the broader healthcare system to improve public protection.

The CPMF also shares raw data about Ontario’s regulated health professionals and their participation in practice improvement. There is data about the number of complaints and the type of those complaints, and how many health professionals participated in practice improvement activities. Finally, the CPMF details each college’s commitment to making improvements over the next year, giving clear action/improvement plans. 

Colleges will update this report annually, noting any progress on areas identified for improvement or adding new or updated information required by the Ministry of Health. These reports are one of the many ways colleges demonstrate their commitment to the public interest for the people of Ontario.

Past CPMF Reports: 
2022 CPMF Report
2021 CPMF Report
2020 CPMF Report  

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