College Initiatives


Strategic Plan

In January of 2023, the COO launched our strategic plan for 2023 – 2025 and will begin working to implement our strategic initiatives. Visit our Strategic Planning page for more information.


Governance Initiatives

The College continues work on governance reform, with the Governance Committee reviewing, researching and recommending governance reforms to the Board.  Some recent initiatives include: 

  • In 2020, the board moved from parliamentary style meetings to a more consensus-based format, using a trained facilitator. A by-law change was approved in October 2019 to modify the board’s rules of order. 
  • To improve clarity to the public, changes were approved to the College’s by-laws to amend the terminology used for the Council and RO members. Registered Opticians will now be formally referred to as registrants rather than members; the Council will now be referred to as the board, the President will be referred to as the Chair, the Vice-President will be referred to as the Vice-Chair. 
  • The Committee will continue to make governance transformation recommendations to the Board of Directors. The Governance Committee is nearing the end of its work overhauling the Governance Manual.  
  • In October of 2019, the Board approved a new competency framework for selecting appointed committee members.  The new framework ensures strong decision making, that the board and Committee members have the necessary competencies to accomplish the important work of the College to ensure public trust.  The framework is a combination of several different competency models that have been developed at different colleges in Ontario and B.C., and in the future could lead to governance training. 

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90 Adelaide Street W., Suite 300, Toronto, ON M5H 3V9

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